Meaning of the name Teresita, analysis of the name Teresita and so much more… What does Teresita mean and its numerology, definition, origin, popularity and very interesting information. Please use the quick menu.
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Information About The Name Teresita
Gender of the name Teresita: Girl
Color of the name Teresita: Blue&Pink
Origin of the name Teresita: Greek
The Meaning Of The Name Teresita
Definition of Teresita: harvester, reaper
Meaning of Teresita: Spanish diminutive of TERESAStatistics Of The Name Teresita
How many people in the U.S have the name Teresita: 22,718
Rank of the name Teresita in the U.S.: 1,492nd
How many letters are in the name Teresita? 8
The Picture Of The Name Teresita
Consider your name Teresita as a picture. How would it look like? This will be funny! Using the meaning of Teresita, we prepared this picture. Do not bother the gender. =)

Numerology Of The Name Teresita
In the table below, you can find the letters that the name Teresita contains and its alphabet numbers. After you sum up these numbers, it is your name numerology number.
T | E | R | E | S | İ | T | A | Sum |
20 | 5 | 18 | 5 | 19 | 9 | 20 | 1 | 97 |
Destination Number Of The Name Teresita
To calculate the destiny number of the name Teresita, please look at the table below. There is a number for each letters of the name Teresita. Add up these numbers and that’s your destiny number.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G-Ğ | H | I |
J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R |
S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
t (2) + e (5) + r (9) + e (5) + s (1) + i (9) + t (2) + a (1) = => 3+4 = 7
Destiny Number: 7. Here is your name analysis according to your destiny number.
Teresita Destiny Analysis
Your capacity for hard work is amazing. You are very independent. While intelligent and friendly, you have a strong streak of selfishness and sharp cunning and should guard against being egotistical. Your number suggests success as an adventurer, scientist, poet, or politician. You are popular, cheerful and quick-witted. On the other-hand, you can be stubborn and impulsive. You are supposed to be kind to strangers. But you are not good working with relatives. You are strong and friendly.Analysis Of The Name Teresita
Here is the analysis of the name Teresita.
Letter | Analysis |
T | You have a hard time expressing your feelings. You are very uncommunicative. |
E | You have a very complicated emotional world. You can be sad and happy at the same time and never ever recognise it. |
R | You have always been an indecisive person and you will be in the future. You hardly even cann’t decide what to eat! Hesitation is the biggest part of your life. |
E | You have a very complicated emotional world. You can be sad and happy at the same time and never ever recognise it. |
S | You like to imagine and when you do you have great fun. This wont scare you even if you do this too much! |
İ | You are the most emotional person. Your heart can be easly broken and you are very sensitive. |
T | You have a hard time expressing your feelings. You are very uncommunicative. |
A | Your sense of analyzing life is stronger. You are known as a reasonable person. |
Can I Name My Baby Teresita?
Yes you can name your baby Teresita!
List Of Celebrities With First Name Teresita
We looked for the celebrities whose first name is Teresita and the definitions which contains the name Teresita or similar to it. You can find the results below.
Teresita Sy-Coson: Teresita T. Sy–Coson (born 1951 or 1952) is the eldest child of Forbes Philippines’ richest and founder and Chairman of SM Prime Holdings, Henry Sy, Sr.
Teresita de Castro: Teresita J. Leonardo-de Castro (born October 8, 1948) is an Associate Justice of the Philippine Supreme Court.
Teresita S. Lazaro: Teresita Lazaro is the former Governor of the Philippine Province of Laguna from 2001 to 2010.
Teresita Collado: Teresita Natvidad Collado Ramos (born 20 November 1971 in Chinique, El Quiché) is a retired Guatemalan athlete specialising in the race walking.
Teresita Reyes: María Teresita de Jesús Reyes Aleuanlli (born 4 February 1948 in Osorno), known as Teresita Reyes, is a Chilean actress.
Teresita Abundo: Teresita Dominguez “Tisha” Abundo (born July 12, 1949) is a Philippine educator and athlete who served as Philippine Sports Commissioner from 1998 to 2001.
Teresita Fernández: Teresita Fernández (born Miami, 1968) is a contemporary sculptor and artist based in New York. A recipient of the 2005 MacArthur Foundation “Genius Fellowship”, Fernández’s work is characterized by an interest in perception and the psychology of looking.
Teresita Urrea: Teresita Urrea (1873–1906) is known as the Saint of Cabora, a town in Sinaloa, Mexico, though she was never canonized by the Roman Catholic Church.
Teresita, Missouri: Teresita is an unincorporated community in western Shannon County, Missouri, United States. It is located just off U.S.
Teresita in Arabic Writing
If you want to see your name in Arabic calligraphy below you can find Teresita in Arabic letters.
Teresita in Chinese Characters
If you want to see your name in Chinese below you can find Teresita in Chinese letters.
Teresita in Egyptian Hieroglyphics
Here you can see the name Teresita in Hieroglyphics (ancient Egyptian)
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How To Say Teresita in American Sign Language
This section will show you how to say the name Teresita in American Sign Language and you can meet with deaf peaple and introduce yourself.
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