Meaning of the name Pratham, analysis of the name Pratham and so much more… What does Pratham mean and its numerology, definition, origin, popularity and very interesting information. Please use the quick menu.
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Information About The Name Pratham
Gender of the name Pratham: Boy
Color of the name Pratham: Blue&Pink
Origin of the name Pratham: Sanskrit
The Meaning Of The Name Pratham
Definition of Pratham: first
Statistics Of The Name Pratham
How many people in the U.S have the name Pratham: 11
Rank of the name Pratham in the U.S.: 285,453rd
How many letters are in the name Pratham? 7
The Picture Of The Name Pratham
Consider your name Pratham as a picture. How would it look like? This will be funny! Using the meaning of Pratham, we prepared this picture. Do not bother the gender. =)

Numerology Of The Name Pratham
In the table below, you can find the letters that the name Pratham contains and its alphabet numbers. After you sum up these numbers, it is your name numerology number.
P | R | A | T | H | A | M | Sum |
16 | 18 | 1 | 20 | 8 | 1 | 13 | 77 |
Destination Number Of The Name Pratham
To calculate the destiny number of the name Pratham, please look at the table below. There is a number for each letters of the name Pratham. Add up these numbers and that’s your destiny number.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G-Ğ | H | I |
J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R |
S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
p (7) + r (9) + a (1) + t (2) + h (8) + a (1) + m (4) = => 3+2 = 5
Destiny Number: 5. Here is your name analysis according to your destiny number.
Pratham Destiny Analysis
In romance, you are seldom the loser and are usually the one breaking hearts. You don’t marry too young, and you are content and happier living alone. You will always have more than your share of friends and admirers to keep you company. You are really softy and fall apart if you lose your supporters. You dazzle as long as there is someone who believes in you.Analysis Of The Name Pratham
Here is the analysis of the name Pratham.
Letter | Analysis |
P | You have a great self-confidence in almost every environment and you know it. Self-confidence is extremely important for you. You use it to achieve your goals. |
R | You have always been an indecisive person and you will be in the future. You hardly even cann’t decide what to eat! Hesitation is the biggest part of your life. |
A | Your sense of analyzing life is stronger. You are known as a reasonable person. |
T | You have a hard time expressing your feelings. You are very uncommunicative. |
H | You prefer an ordinary life. Beeing calm when things go wrong is your natural ability. |
A | Your sense of analyzing life is stronger. You are known as a reasonable person. |
M | You are smart and succesfull. You are interested in trade business and be successful too. |
Can I Name My Baby Pratham?
Yes you can name your baby Pratham!
List Of Celebrities With First Name Pratham
We looked for the celebrities whose first name is Pratham and the definitions which contains the name Pratham or similar to it. You can find the results below.
Pratham: Pratham is one of the largest non-governmental organisation in India. It works towards the provision of quality education to the underprivileged children in India.
Prathama (day): Prathama is the Sanskrit word for “first”, and is the first day in the lunar fortnight (Paksha) of the Hindu calendar.
Prathamastami: Prathamastami is a rite is held in Odisha, India, for the life and prosperity of the eldest child who is offered a lighted lamp ovation by the senior female relatives followed by elaborate rituals during which the Mantras are recited.
Pratham Swatrantata Sangrm Express: Pratham Swatantrata Sangram Express is a mail/express train service operated by Indian Railways, connecting Kolkata With Jhansi Junction.
Prathama: Prathama means “first” in Sanskrit.
Prathamesh Maulingkar: Prathamesh Maulingkar (born 4 April 1991 in Tivim) is an Indian footballer who plays as a Centre Back for Dempo in the I-League.
Prathamesh Parab: Prathamesh Parab (born 29 November 1993) is an Indian actor who works in Marathi cinema. He started acting in the movie Balak Palak.
Pratham (satellite): Pratham is an Indian ionospheric research satellite which will be operated by the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay as part of the Student Satellite Initiative.
Shayani Ekadashi: Shayani Ekadashi (lit. “sleeping eleventh”) or Maha-ekadashi (lit. “The great eleventh”) or Prathama-ekadashi (lit.
Pratham in Arabic Writing
If you want to see your name in Arabic calligraphy below you can find Pratham in Arabic letters.
Pratham in Chinese Characters
If you want to see your name in Chinese below you can find Pratham in Chinese letters.
Pratham in Egyptian Hieroglyphics
Here you can see the name Pratham in Hieroglyphics (ancient Egyptian)
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How To Say Pratham in American Sign Language
This section will show you how to say the name Pratham in American Sign Language and you can meet with deaf peaple and introduce yourself.
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